| “Digging Deeper into Sacred Stories: Spiritual Insights & Practices”
~ One day in-person Experiential Workshop with Imam Jamal Rahman ~
Dear Friends,
Your presence will be a blessing in Jamal’s new one-day experien;al workshop coming up Saturday, August 17th.
Date: Saturday, August 17th, 2024 Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Interfaith Community Sanctuary; 1763 NW 62nd Street, SeaPle, WA 98107 (Ballard)
Tuition: $75 payable by check, Paypal or Zelle to Jamal Rahman: jamalrah@yahoo.com
Registration is required: Please register by email to: sallyjogilbert@gmail.com
Content of Workshop: This will be an interac;ve workshop, exploring in depth important sacred teaching stories from the Eastern Wisdom tradi;ons. We will learn how to relate to and understand ancient but ;meless teaching stories in a personal way, gaining prac;cal insights that impact our present lives and current situa;ons. Jamal will focus on how to weave spiritual prac;ces into our lives around issues we face on a daily basis.
Our ;me together in loving community will include chan;ng, medita;ons, individual journal reflec;ons, Qi Gong medita;on in movement, Interfaith circle dances, small and large group sharing, and Q & A. We will have lunch outside in the garden – please bring a “brown bag lunch” of what you prefer to eat, and we will provide drinks. Please feel free to invite family and friends!
Blessings, Jamal and Sally Jo
| Dear Friends,
Your presence will be a blessing!
Jamal Rahman
Jamal's book is now available from SkyLight Paths Publishing: "Sacred Laughter of the Sufis - Awakening the Soul with the Mulla's Comic Teaching Stories & Other Islamic Wisdom."
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2023 Time: 10:00 am With Jamal Rahman
This event is Virtual Cultivating Authentic Joy in a Challenging World: Inter ~ Spiritual Insights & Practices shared by Imam Jamal Rahman with reference to the recent documentary and book by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the 14th Dalai Lama “The Book of Joy…
Six ZOOM Classes 10AM to 12 NOON SATURDAY APRIL 8th through SATURDAY MAY 20th Class Fee: $99. To register email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Send check to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107 After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
About Imam Jamal Rahman: Jamal is a popular speaker and author on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in The New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs. Jamal is co-founder and Muslim Sufi Imam at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He travels nationally and internationally, presenting at retreats and workshops. Jamal’s passion lies in interfaith community building and activism.
Visit Jamal’s Websites: JAMALRAHMAN.COM http://jamalrahman.com/ JAMALRAHMAN.BLOG http://jamalrahman.blog/ INTERFAITHCOMMUNITYSANCTUARY.ORG https://interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org/…/sunday…/ NORTHWESTINTERFAITH.ORG https://www.northwestinterfaith.org/ INTERFAITHAMIGOS.COM http://www.interfaithamigos.com/Home.html
FLYER picture FLYER pdf
Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Cultivating Authentic Joy in a Challenging World: Inter ~ Spiritual Insights & Practices shared by Imam Jamal Rahman with reference to the recent documentary and book by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the 14th Dalai Lama “The Book of Joy…”
Six ZOOM Classes 10AM to 12 NOON SATURDAY JANUARY 28th through SATURDAY MARCH 11th (No class March 4th) Class Fee: $99. To register email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check: Send check to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107
After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
Imam Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker and author on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in The New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs. Jamal is co-founder and Muslim Sufi Imam at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He travels nationally and internationally, presenting at retreats and workshops. Jamal’s passion lies in interfaith community building and activism.
Rumi, Qur’an & Universal Teachings
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Led by: Jamal Rahman
Rumi, Qur’an & Universal Teachings
When the heart of the 13th century sage Rumi opened up, he heard whispers of divine secrets from invisible realms. In his understanding of divine revelations Rumi moved from knowledge of tongue to knowledge of heart. In astonishment he exclaimed that he could hear “birdsong in the egg.” In this six week class, Jamal will share some of these celestial insights that can help us in our contemporary world to live a life of inspiration, hope, joy, and meaning.
Imam Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker and author on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in The New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs. Jamal is co-founder and Muslim Sufi Imam at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He travels nationally and internationally, presenting at retreats and workshops. Jamal’s passion lies in interfaith community building and activism.
TUITION: $99 TO REGISTER, email: SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA USA 98107
NOTE: After your registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
Rumi, Qur'an & Universal Teachings
Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
When the heart of the 13th century sage Rumi opened up, he heard whispers of divine secrets from invisible realms. In his understanding of divine revelations Rumi moved from knowledge of tongue to knowledge of heart. In astonishment he exclaimed that he could hear “birdsong in the egg.”
In this six week class, Jamal will share some of these celestial insights that can help us in our contemporary world to live a life of inspiration, hope, joy, and meaning.
6 class sessions Wednesdays evenings 7:00–9:00pm Pacific time September 14th — October 26th 2022 (No class October 5th)
TUITION: $99 TO REGISTER, email: SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com
Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA USA 98107
Spiritual Insights and Practices to Cultivate Laughter and Joy
6 Week Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Wednesday evenings on Zoom 7pm to 9pm (Pacific) July 20 to August 31 (no class July 27)
“We don’t laugh because we are happy; we are happy because we laugh.” ~ William James “ There are many ways to the Divine; I have chosen the ways of song, dance and laughter.” ~Rumi “ As soap is to the body , laughter is to the soul. “ ~Jewish Proverb “ Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.” ~ Chuck Swindoll
Recommended Reading: Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mulla's Comic Teaching Stories and Other Islamic Wisdom by Imam Jamal Rahman
Tuition ($99). TO REGISTER: Email: SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com. Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107. After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
Jamal's passion lies in interfaith community building. He remains rooted in his Islamic tradition and cultivates a "spaciousness" by being open to the beauty and wisdom of other faiths. By authentically and appreciatively understanding other paths, Jamal feels that he becomes a better Muslim. He says: “This spaciousness is not about conversion but about completion.”
Websites: jamalrahman.com, interfaithamigos.com, interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org
| Spiritual Development WORKSHOP
with Imam Jamal Rahman
Sharing Wisdom & Spiritual Practices from Mother Earth
SATURDAY JUNE 25th 9:30am -- 4:00pm
Afterlunch we shall carpool to Greenlake for experiential practices in Nature.
Cost: $75.00 To Register: email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com
Websites: JamalRahman.com, InterfaitAmigos.com, InterfaithCommunitySanctuary.org
Vows of the Mystic Heart
Spiritual Development class with Imam Jamal Rahman Six Wednesday Evenings 7:00 - 9:00pm (Pacific) April 27th through June 8th (no class May 12th)
“A universal spirituality is eminently practical in nine ways and, through these ways, becomes immensely transformative of the individual, the community, and the world.” ~ Brother Wayne Teasdale
The Vows of the Mystic Heart: I vow to actualize and live according to my full moral and ethical capacity… I vow to live in solidarity with the cosmos and all living beings… I vow to live in deep nonviolence… I vow to live in humility and to remember the many teachers and guides who assisted me on my spiritual path… I vow to embrace a daily spiritual practice… I vow to cultivate mature self-knowledge… I vow to live a life of simplicity… I vow to live a life of selfless service and compassionate action... I vow to be a prophetic voice as I work for justice, compassion and world transformation...
Tuition ($99). TO REGISTER, email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com. Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Inter-faith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107. USA. After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
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Exploring our Life Challenges Together
Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Six Wednesdays March 16 through April 20 4:00PM ~ 6:00PM (Pacific)
Class members will be invited to identify challenges that are coming up in your own life right now, and bring them to our ZOOM class each week. Jamal will choose a topic from those that are suggested each week, and create his class instruction, including specific spiritual practices, around that topic for the following week. In this way the class will be personalized to fit the needs of the participants. Class will also include time for sharing insights in small groups. As always, Jamal welcomes insights, wisdom, and resources shared by class participants. We are all teachers and students in this beautiful learning community.
Your presence will be a blessing! “Please come out of the circle of time and join this Circle of Love!” (Rumi)
Tuition ($99). TO REGISTER, email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com. Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107. After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
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Exploring our Life Challenges Together Saturday mornings January 22 through March 5 (No class February 5th) 10:am ~ Noon (Pacific) Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Class members will be invited to identify challenges that are coming up in your own life right now, and bring them to our ZOOM class each week. Jamal will choose a topic from those that are suggested each week, and create his class instruction, including specific spiritual practices, around that topic for the following week. In this way the class will be personalized to fit the needs of the participants. Class will also include time for sharing insights in small groups. As always, Jamal welcomes insights, wisdom, and resources shared by class participants. We are all teachers and students in this beautiful learning community.
Your presence will be a blessing!
“Please come out of the circle of time and join this Circle of Love!” (Rumi)
Tuition ($99). TO REGISTER, email: SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or check sent to: Jamal Rahman c/o Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107. After registration is confirmed, the ZOOM link and passcode will be sent to you.
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Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
"Exploring Life's Perplexing Questions"
Two consecutive six week classes
begins October 30th.
Session II details: Saturdays, 10:00AM -- Noon (Pacific Time.) October 30 through December 11. (Please Note: no class November 27th because it is the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.) Tuition: $120 includes book mailed to you. $99.00 without book. In this class we shall continue gaining wisdom on Life's Perplexing Questions.
In one class in each session Jamal will be joined by his co-authors Duncan S. Ferguson and Mary Patrina Boyd.
To Register: email SallyJoGilbert (at) gmail (dot) com. Payable by Paypal, Zelle, or Check.
Make check payable to: Jamal Rahman.
Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107 Attn: Jamal Rahman
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What is it?
How does it nourish us?
How can we build and grow it?
Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman Sic Wednesday evenings on ZOOM -- 7:00PM --9:00PM July 14th through August 18th
Tuition $99. Payable by Paypat, Zelle, Check. To Register, email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com. Upon receipt of payment you will receive an email link to online Zoom class sessions.
Please make check out to Jamal Rahman. Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA USA 98107
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Practical Spirituality: reflections on verses of Beauty and Wisdom in the Qur'an
an eight week spiritual development class with Imam Jamal Rahman Saturdays 10AM to Noon May 15th through July 3rd
"This book of blessings We have sent down to you, so that they may meditate on its signs, and that people of insight might take them to heart. “ - Qur’an 38:29
Tuition: $132. Payable by: Paypal, Zelle, Check. To Register, send an email to: SallyJoGilbert (at) gmail (dot) com. Upon receipt of payment you will receive an email link to online Zoom class sessions. Please make check out to: Jamal Rahman. Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107. Attn: Jamal Rahman.
Imam Jamal Rahman (http://www.jamalrahman.com/), is an author, teacher, co-founder of Interfaith Community Sanctuary, and a member of the Interfaith Amigos (http://interfaithamigos.com/Home.html). Discover More: Spirituality & Practice Living Teachers Project (https://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/explorations/teachers /view/108/jamal-rahman), Call of Compassion NW teaching stories & spiritual practices (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_hqbzgW7Sg8pXxpn-PCV9A/videos), Interfaith Community Sanctuary (http://interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org/index.php/ about-ics/icc-ministers/jamal-rahman/), Spiritual Fragrance of the Qur’an BLOG (http://jamalrahman.blog/), Instagram ImamJamalRahman (https://www.instagram.com/imamjamalrahman/).
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Mystical Poetry awakening innate wisdom
In this 8 week class we shall reflect on selected verses from the sacred poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, Rabia and others to illuminate, guide, and bless our life journey.
DATES: Eight Saturdays, March 13th through May 1st. TIMES: 10AM to 12NOON, Pacific Time
"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen." "Be like a tree; let the dead leaves drop." ~ Rumi
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." "I used to be shy. You made me sing." ~ Hafiz
"In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church where I kneel -- where all dissolves in God." ~ Rabia
Tuition: $132 Payable by: Paypal, Zelle, Check.
To Register, send an email to: SallyJoGilbert (at) Gmail (dot) com
Upon receipt of payment you will receive an email link to online Zoom class sessions. Please make chck out to: Jamal Rahman. Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107 USA. Attn: Jamal Rahman
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Eight week Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Reflections on the Epic Teaching Poem
"The Conference of the Birds"
12th century classic by Sufi Master Farid-ud-din Attar
eight Saturdays January 9th ~ February 27th 10AM through Noon
Tuition: $132.00 To Register, email Sally Jo Gilbert de Vargas sallyjogilbert (@) gmail (dot) com. Paypal, Zelle.
Make check payable to Jamal Rahman.
Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107 ATTN: Jamal
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Spiritual Gems of Sufism & Hinduism an online spiritual development class with Imam Jamal Rahman
Saturdays October 24th through December 5th 10AM to Noon
"Marry your soul; that wedding is the Way." ~ Rumi "The person who is rich in knowledge of the Self does not covet external power or possession." ~ Upanishads
Tuition: $99. Paypal, Zelle, Check Make check payable to Jamal Rahman
1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107
Registration: email SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com.
Upon receipt of payment you will receive an email link to the online ZOOM class sessions.
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Imam Jamal Rahman will present his next 6 week Spiritual Development class over “Zoom”!
"Spiritual Gems of Sufism and Taosim" Sacred Verses, Poetry, Teaching Stories, Chanting, Meditation and Practices
"The thing we tell of can never be found by seeking. Yet only seekers find it." ~ (Bayazid Bistami)
"Like a hunted hare you run The pursuer of desire pursued, Harried from life to life." ~ (The Buddha)
We will meet Saturday mornings 10:00am - 12:00 noon Pacific Time beginning Saturday, September 12 through Saturday, October 17.
Tuition for the 6 week session is $99. Tuition is payable by: *Check (payable to Jamal Rahman) Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107 * Bill pay * Paypal * Zelle.
Please register by email: sallyjogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com Upon receipt of registration and payment, you will receive an email link to the online Zoom class sessions.
FLYER for class 9.12-10/17 |
Spiritual Development Class offered by Imam Jamal Rahman
Sacred Verses ~ Poetry ~ Teaching Stories ~ Chanting ~ Meditation ~ Practices
"The thing we tell of
can never be found by seeking.
Yet, only seekers find it." ~ Bayazid Bistami
"Like a hunted hare you run
the pursuer of desire pursued,
Harried from Life to Life." ~ The Buddha
Class duration: 6 Sessions Saturday July 25th through Saturday September 5th Saturday mornings 10:00AM to 12:00 NOON (NO class Saturday August 22nd)
Tuition $99
Payment Options Check make check payable to: Jamal Rahman.
Mail to: Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107
To Register: Email: SallyJoGilbert (at) gmail (dot) com
After payment is received, you will be sent an email link to the online ZOOM class sessions.
Imam Jamal Rahman is and author, teacher, co-founder of Interfaith Community Sanctuary and a member of The Interfaith Amigos.
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Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman Rumi, Hafiz, Rabia, and the Qur'an
A 6 week course Saturdays June 13 through July 18 10AM to 12NOON
"O God, make me see things as they really are." ~ saying of Prophet Muhammad
"O God...deny me not your eternal Beauty." ~ Rabia
"I searched for God and found only myself; I searched for myself and found only God." ~ Rumi
"Fear is the cheapest room in the house, I would like to see you living in better conditions." ~ Hafiz
Cost: $99.00
To register, email sally jogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com Ways to pay: Check (make check payable to Jamal Rahman), mail to Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107. Bill Pay. PayPal. Zelle. Upon receipt of registration and payment, you will receive an email invitation with a link to join the ZOOM online class sessions.
Imam Jamal Rahman is an author, teacher, co-founder of Interfaith Community Sanctuary, and member of the Interfaith Amigos.
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The Joy of Bonding with Self, Creation, & Spirit
Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
7 week class every Monday evening 7:00pm to 9:00pm Monday January 6 through Monday February 17
$140.00 payable on the first day of class
to Register, email Sally Jo at sallyjogilbert@gmail.com
Experiential Workshop with Imam Jamal Rahman
Spiritual Gems from the Teachings of Three Sufi Sages: Rumi, Hafiz, and Rabia
"Move from a Knowledge of the Tongue to a Knowledge of the Heart" [Sufi saying]
Saturday December 7th 10:00am ~ 4:00pm
$80.00 Delicious Vegan Lunch Provided
To Register: Email: SallyJoGilbert@gmail.com
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Spiritual Devolpent Class with IMAM JAMAL RAHMAN "Living a Life of Meaning, Joy, and Fulfillment" wisdom and guidance from the Qur'an, Tao Te Ching, & Dhammapada
7 weeks September 9 -- October 21 Monday evenings 7:00 -- 9:00PM
To register, email sally jogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com $140.00 payable on the first day of class
Classes will be held at
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle
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One Day Workshop with Imam Jamal Rahman "Open Heart Tranquil Mind: Celebrating the Divine Spark Within & Without" Saturday August 10th 10am ~ 4:00pm "What hurts the soul? To live without tasting the water of its own essence." ~ Rumi "One regret, dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough." ~ Hafiz Tuition: $60.00 Payable on day of workshop. Register by email: sallyjogilbert@gmail.com. Workshop held at Interfaith Community Sanctuary 1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle 98107 www.interfaithcommunitysanctuary.com www.jamalrahman.com
A New Spiritual Development Class begin in the fall. Check back for details. To Register for classes, email sallyjogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com.
Classes held at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd Sreet, Ballard, 98107.
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Classes will be held at
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle
ARCHIVE (2018) Spiritual Practices for the Holidays a one day workshop with Imam Jamal Rahman
Saturday December 9th 12 Noon -- 4:00PM
Practicing Mindfulness and Gratitude, Dealing with Difficult Feelings and Fatigue, Cultivating Joy and Peace during the Holiday Season.
To Register: email sallyjogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com Tuition: $45
Classes will be held at
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle
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Spiritual Development Class with Imam Jamal Rahman
7 Mondays 7:00-9:00pm January 8th ~ February 19th 2018
"We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are." ~ Talmudic saying
"Be a lamp, or lifeboat, or ladder; help someone's soul heal." ~ Rumi
Cost: $140.00
To register, email sally jogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com
Classes will be held at
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle
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Finding Hope & Peace in Difficult Times Insights and Inspiration for Rumi and Hafiz
7 Monday evenings Imam Jamal Rahman
Mondays September 11 -- November 6 (Please Note: No class will be held on 10/9 and 10/16. Jamal will be out of town.) 7:00--9:00pm.
Cost: $140.00 full course ($25 per class, per person, drop-in fee)
To register, email sallyjogilbert (at) gmail (dot) com
Classes will be held at
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle
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