by Jamal Rahman
Imam Jamal Rahman’s latest book is now available from SkyLight Paths Publishing!
“Sacred Laughter of the Sufis – Awakening the Soul with the Mullah’s Comic Teaching Stories & Other Islamic Wisdom”

When you purchase any items on using the link on this page, a portion of the proceeds goes to Suraiya Ataur Medical Center (SAMC).
This organization funds a school for women, an orphanage, and a health clinic in Jamal’s ancestral village in Bangladesh.
The Teachers of Spiritual Wisdom
“Gaining Perspective on Life’s Perplexing Questions” by Jamal Rahman, Duncan S. Ferguson, Mary Petrina Boyd
We call attention to the harsh reality that we are living in troubled times. We are especially conscious of climate change and COVID-19. We underline that these challenges impact all people. In light of this reality, we use ten primary questions that all human beings ask, consciously or unconsciously, and then amplify each of the ten primary questions with nine additional sub-questions. We then draw upon one of the great teachers of spiritual wisdom (Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc.) with a brief quote and then write a short “”wisdom”” response to the question. By “”wisdom”” we mean a body of accumulated reflection about the character and meaning of life. Spiritual wisdom suggests an outlook or attitude that enables us to cope, a deeper way of knowing and learning the art of living in rhythm with the soul. We use the life experience of three authors, coming from different religious and cultural outlooks.
“The Teachers of …” is available at Barnes and Noble,, and more locations.

Spiritual Gems of Islam
“Insights and Practices from the Qur’an, Hadith, Rumi, and Muslim Teaching Stories to Enlighten the Heart and Mind” by Jamal Rahman
“Spiritual Gems…” has been recognzed by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat as one of “The Best Spiritual Books of 2013 so far.” Follow this link to learn more.
Discover more by following links below:
Publisher’s Weekly Review
Publisher’s Weekly Author Profile
“Spiritual Gems…” is available at Sky Light Paths Publishing, Barnes and Noble,, and more locations.

Sacred Laughter of the Sufis
Awakening the Soul with the Mulla’s Comic Teaching Storiesand Other Islamic Wisdom
“We would do well to heed the Mula’s wisdom. One day, inevitably, our personal storms will not abate before causing destruction. Something will break our hearts and cause us to ask deeper questions. At that point we will become spiritual seekers, each in our own way…we will begin to hear deep inside the mysterious calling of our soul to fulfill the purpose for which we were created.”
— from the Chapter “The Storms of Our Lives.”
This book is available at Sky Light Paths Publishing, Barnes and Noble, ,, UW Bookstore, and more locations.

“Book Review”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read a Review of “Sacred Laughter of the Sufis….” on the Spirituality & Practice – Resources for Spiritual Journeys website
“Best Spiritual Books in 2014”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Sacred Laughter of the Sufis….” is recognized as one of the Best Spiritual Books in 2014 thus far by Spirituality and Practice. Read more…
The Fragrance of Faith
“The Enlightened Heart of Islam” by Jamal Rahman
(2004, The Book Foundation)
In this heartfelt book, the essence of Islamic wisdom is shared with the reader through teaching stories, Rumi poetry, and sacred verses from the Qur’an and Hadith (sayings of Muhammad). It expresses a deeply compassionate view of the world along with simple spiritual practices that have a profound effect on integrating this wisdom into everyday living. This book may be purchased at your local bookstore or online using the link below.
When you purchase this book on from the link below, a portion of the proceeds goes to Friends of Mahdipur Village. This organization funds a school for women, an orphanage, and a health clinic in Jamal’s ancestral village in Bangladesh.
Available at Barnes & Noble,, and other locations.

“Book Review”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat’s review of “The Fragrance of Faith” on the Web site, Spirituality & Practice.
On Transformation
(from The Fragrance of Faith, by Jamal Rahman)
The Qur’an was revealed over a period of twenty-three years. It was sent down, little by little, stage by stage, in order that it might “strengthen the heart.”
There is sacredness in the words “little by little.” God could have sent full-blown perfect beings, flying through the cosmos, to arrive here in one instant. Gradualness, it seems, is favored by that mysterious Intelligence.
The marvelous creation of a child takes nine months. A great task is often accomplished by a series of small acts. A skillful cook lets the pot boil slowly. Night by night the new moon gives a lesson in gradualness. The Qur’an says that “God only commands when willing anything is saying to it, ‘Be!’—and it is” [Surah Ya Sin 36:82]. But even the Universe took a few days to be in place! Gradualness, indeed, is a characteristic of the action of the Sustainer of the Universe.
Do your work of transformation little by little. Rumi says: “Little by little, wean yourself. This is the gist of what I have to say. From an embryo, whose nourishment comes through the blood, move to an infant drinking milk, to a child on solid food, to a searcher after wisdom, to a hunter of more invisible game.”
Grandfather said that by doing the work of inner growth, little by little you make progress, increment by increment and again, a big jump! The big jump happens because of the little-by-little application. It’s a law. Truly, it pays to persist, little by little.
Grandfather enjoyed telling the following story. The Mullah was enamored of Indian classical music. He eagerly sought out a teacher to take private lessons. “How much will it cost?” asked the Mullah.
“Three pieces of silver the first month and one piece of silver from the second month onward,” replied the teacher.
“Excellent!” replied the Mullah. “Sign me up from the second month!”
Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice
The Interfaith Amigos Guide to Personal, Social and Environmental Healing
by Ted Falcon, Don Mackenzie, Jamal Rahman
Read Book Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat of Spirituality & Practice
Read an excerpt on Love by Jamal Rahman.
Available on Amazon, Sky Light Paths Publishing,Barnes & Noble,

Religion Gone Astray
What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith
Jamal Rahman, Don Mackenzie, and Ted Falcon
(November 2011) Skylight Paths Publishing
Many of us acknowledge difficulty with some aspect of our own religious tradition, even if we are wholly devoted to our faith identity. These vulnerabilities can inhibit meaningful personal engagement with a faith tradition, but they can also feed misunderstanding between religious institutions and undermine any hope of authentic interfaith dialogue.

Expanding on the conversation started with their very successful first book, the Interfaith Amigos—a rabbi, a pastor and an imam—probe more deeply into the problematic aspects of our religious institutions to provide a profound understanding of the nature of what divides us. They identify four common problem areas in the Abrahamic faiths—exclusivity, violence, inequality of men and women, and homophobia—and their origins. They explore the ways critics use these beliefs as divisive weapons. And they present the ways we can use these vulnerabilities to open the doors for more profound personal relationships, collaboration required to address our common issues, and true interfaith healing.
When you purchase this book on from the link below, a portion of the proceeds goes to Friends of Mahdipur Village. This organization funds a school for women, an orphanage, and a health clinic in Jamal’s ancestral village in Bangladesh
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith
The Eye-Opening, Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi and a Sheikh
Jamal Rahman, Don Mackenzie, and Ted Falcon
(July 2009) Skylight Paths Publishing
This deeply personal journey to interfaith collaboration offers hope for an inclusive and healing way of being together in the world. Too often religion seems to fuel more hatred than love, more conflict than collaboration. For three unique friends (a rabbi, a pastor, and a Muslim Sufi—interfaith amigos, as they have called themselves on their Interfaith Talk Radio show) their relationship goes to the heart of interfaith understanding and embodies a revolutionary spirit of healing. They speak openly about the difficult matters, and the need to do the inner spiritual work, in order to go bey

The book offers many insights and encouragements for individuals and groups who want to tap into the promise of interfaith dialogue—that if we get to know each other, we will be able not only to open to the beauty and wisdom of each other’s traditions, but also to find spiritual healing for our deeply wounded human family. The book includes suggestions for where we go from here and additional readings, discussion questions and actions, and group-usage suggestions for laypeople and clergy groups.
When you purchase this book on from the link below, a portion of the proceeds goes to Friends of Mahdipur Village. This organization
Out of Darkness, Into Light
Spiritual Guidance in the Quran with Reflections from Jewish and Christian Sources
Jamal Rahman, Kathleen Schmitt Elias, Ann Holmes Redding
(March 2009) Morehouse Publishing
An introduction to the major themes and passages of the holy book of Islam, this book invites readers of any religion—or none—to meditate on verses of the Qur’an as support for spiritual practices and growth. It guides the reader through the rich tapestry of the Qur’an, weaving through a number of themes, including the mystery of God, surrender to the divine will, and provisions for the spiritual journey. Quranic verses are supplemented by sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, the words of Rumi and other Sufi poets, and relevant quotations and insights from Jewish and Christian sources. The book also offers practical suggestions for expanding and strengthening one’s spiritual sinews.
When you purchase this book on from the link below, a portion of the proceeds goes to Friends of Mahdipur Village. This organization funds a school for women, an orphanage, and a health clinic in Jamal’s ancestral village in Bangladesh.