Welcome to Jamal Rahman’s website
Jamal Rahman
Imam Jamal Rahman is a Muslim Sufi Interfaith Minister

Upcoming Classes & Events
with Jamal Rahman

6 week classes.
Jamal’s Winter 2025 Class
“Sacred Laughter of the Sufis”
Happy New Year! Our New Year’s gift to everyone is Jamal’s new 6-week Spiritual Development Class starting Saturday, January 11, 2025!
This class will help us all deal with everyday life and challenges in a way that uplifts our soul and lightens our stress. The fictional 13th century Mulla Nasruddin is famous for his many humorous teaching stories. Sufi masters explain that every teaching story has at least 7 levels of meaning. In this class, Jamal will guide us in gleaning spiritual insights and practices from these classic teaching stories, which have the potential to transform our lives.
6 week class meets on Zoom. All classes will be recorded for unlimited later viewing and/or in case you miss a class along the way.
| Zoom
| 6 week classes
| January 11 – Februrary 22, 2025 @10am-12pm PST
(No Class on Feb 15)

3day Retreat
Wisdom of Sufi Mystics
with Imam Jamal Rahman
In this retreat we explore insights and practices of Sufi teachers like Rumi, Hafiz and Rabia to open our mind and heart. We also reflect on stories of the fictional Mulla Nasruddin who teaches wisdom through humor and laughter. The aspiration is to become a more developed human being and experience joy and fulfillment in our lives, regardless of our religion or having no faith tradition.
| In Person (Ojai, CA) & Zoom
| 3 Day Retreat
| Fri-Sun, April 11-13, 2025
| Friday Evening @19:30-21:00 PST
| Saturday Morning @10:00-noon PST
| Saturday Afternoon @14:00-16:00 PST
| Sunday Morning @10:00-noon PST

Conference .
Faith & Science Conference
in Rome, Italy
Jamal Rahman will be presenting during the Jubilee Year on Thursday, June 19, 2025
| International Conference
| June 17 – 20, 2025

Sunday Workship
3rd Sunday Worship
with Imam Jamal Rahman
In 2024, our spiritual discernment will be Making a Home for the Mystic Heart
Our main source of inspiration for this year is Interspiritual Meditation by Edward W. Bastian. In this book, he points out the necessity for our spiritual practices to be performed in a context of intention and wisdom that supports and informs them. He outlines a series of steps we can take to help integrate our practice, wisdom, and daily life. We can consider each of these steps in a personal, communal, or universal domain. Also, as particular independent practices or as elements in a ritual sequence.
| In Person
| Third Sundays @10am – 1130am PST
| Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107
About Jamal Rahman

Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in the New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs. Jamal is co-founder and Muslim Sufi minister at Interfaith Community Sanctuary and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He is a former co-host of Interfaith Talk Radio and travels nationally and internationally, presenting at retreats and workshops.
He is the author of Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mullah’s Comic Teaching Stories and Other Islamic Wisdom; Spiritual Gems of Islam: Insights & Practices from the Qur’an, Hadith, Rumi & Muslim Teaching Stories to Enlighten the Heart & Mind; The Fragrance of Faith: The Enlightened Heart of Islam; and coauthor of Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice: The Interfaith Amigos Guide to Personal, Social, and Environmental Healing; Religion Gone Astray: What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith; Out of Darkness into Light: Spiritual Guidance in the Quran with Reflections from Jewish and Christian Sources; and Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening, Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi, and an Imam.