Blessings of Ramadan

It was in the month of Ramadan that the Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for humankind.” (Qur’an 2:185)
“Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship, and wants for you to complete the period [of fasting] and to glorify Allah for that to which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Qur’an 2:185)
I first started fasting for Ramadan over 15 years ago, when I heard a report on NPR about how some 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world were fasting as a spiritual practice to celebrate the Holy Month when the Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Mohammad in 610 CE. . .

Little by Little

“So I call to witness the rosy glow of sunset; the night and its progression; and the moon as it grows into fullness; surely you shall travel from stage to stage. What, then, is the matter with them, that they do not have faith in the unfolding?” (Qur’an 84: 16-19)
“A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly.” (Rumi)

In the Qur’an, humankind is enjoined over and over again to develop faith through “steadfast patience.” The word in Arabic that is translated most often into patience (sabor) is actually more accurately translated as perseverance and resilience. . .


“Don’t despair over things that pass you by nor exult over blessings that come to you.” (Qur’an 57:23-25)

Here we are reminded not to get caught up in the vicissitudes of life, for “The life of this world is just a play and a passing delight, and mutual boasting and multiplying in rivalry among yourselves…” (Qur’an 57:20) We tend to credit ourselves and our own efforts (our ego-selves) for that which we gain, and to blame Allah (or fate, or bad luck) to that which causes harm or loss to us.


Bow down in adoration and draw closer to Allah.” (Qur’an 96:19)
“Recite what is sent of the Book to you, and establish regular prayer. For prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds, and remembrance of God is surely the greatest thing in life. And God knows well all that you do.”
~Qur’an 29:45
Prayer is common in all religious traditions and takes many forms. In Islam, regular daily prayers are a central practice (one of the five Pillars of Islam).


“He is the One who sends down rain
After they have lost all hope
And unfolds His Grace.” (Qur’an 42:28) Several years ago my life was thrown into tumult by a series of difficulties which seemed insurmountable and unbearable. Being a person who is generally high-spirited, energetic, positive and happy, I was in a state of shock…


“Allah asked, “Am I not your Sustainer?” They replied, “Yes! You are! We testify!” (Qur’an 7:172) “…But those most devoted to Allah…have only the desire to seek for the Countenance of their Lord Most High; and soon they will attain complete satisfaction.” [Qur’an 92:17-21] Most of our lives we seek satisfaction in the things and people of this world: possessions, titles, recognition and approval from others, thrilling experiences, and the company of people who we believe will satisfy our desires…