Praising and Thanking God

“Are you not aware that it is God whose limitless glory all creatures in the heavens and on earth praise, even the birds as they outspread their wings?” (Qur’an 24:41-42)
“To God belong the most Beautiful Names.” (Qur’an 7:180)
In Islamic spiritual literature, there is a classic story of God who appeared to some birds and spoke to them. Birds initially were creatures without wings. The wingless creatures were astonished and euphoric. . .

Remembrance of God

“There are those whom neither business nor striving after gain can turn from the remembrance of God.” (Qur’an 24:37)
“The friend of God buys and sells in the market and marries and takes part in social interaction and never for gets God for a single moment.” ~ Abu Said ibn Khayr
According to the Qur’an, all the souls of unborn humanity made a sacred covenant with God in the heavenly realms. We pledged to remember to worship our Sustainer once we were placed on earth. . .

Come to Know One Another

“O humankind! We created you from a single pair of male and female persons and made you into nations and tribes that you might come to know each other.” Qur’an 49:13

“O God, You Have created this, I, you, we, they, to play the game of adoration with Yourself.” (Rumi)

As the Qur’an makes clear, there is a divine reason for the marvelous diversity in humanity. It is that we may come to know each other better, to be able to connect in life-giving ways with our fellow human beings, and learn to appreciate them as manifestations of God. . .


“Be just; this is closest to being God-Conscious.” (Qur’an 5:8)
“When an orphan cries, the throne of God shakes.” ~ Hadith of Prophet Mohammad

Justice is a central theme in the Qur’an. As vice-regents of God we asked to “stand firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be against rich or poor…” (4:135). It’s a tall order!

Small Watches of the Morning

“Pray in the small watches of the morning.”(Qur’an 17:79)
“No one knows what makes the soul wake up so happy; maybe a dawn breeze has blown the veil from the Face of God.” (Rumi)

It is said that in the early hours of the morning, the veils between the visible and invisible worlds are at their thinnest. During this time, you can sense the pulsating of angelic activity.


“Allah has caused faith to be dear to you and has made it beautiful within your hearts.” (Qur’an 49:7-8)
Allah says: “Take one step towards Me and I will take ten steps towards you; walk towards Me and I will run towards you.” (Hadith)

The Qur’an suggests that it takes time and patience for faith to grow inside of us. Taking a metaphor from nature, Sufis say that only in stages does the crescent moon grow into fullness. . .

Invisible Realms

“They ask thee concerning the Spirit. Say: ‘The Spirit is by command of my Lord. Of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you.’” (Qur’an 17:85)

“We have shown you the dust and concealed the wind.” (Rumi)

Our knowledge of the invisible world is wrapped in mystery. In the East it is said that using the mind to gauge the mysterious realms is like using a bamboo stick to measure the depth of the Ocean. . .

Purity of the Heart

“Do not attribute purity to yourselves; He knows best who is most pious.” (Qu’ran 53:32)
“Pure is the one who has purified oneself of the notion of one’s own purity.” (Sufi saying)
The 13th century sage Saadi Shirazi writes of an incident that impacted him deeply. As a child, he participated in all-night vigils with his father who was a Sufi teacher with a following. . .