“Follow those who ask no reward of you and are themselves rightly guided.” (Qur’an 36:21)
“Join together in the mutual teaching of truth and patience.”(Qur’an 103:3)
Even prophets sought companions. The Prophet Muhammad over time had a large following but he also had an inner circle of confidantes. . .
Author: Jamal Rahman
Begin Right Now
“Truly by token of time, humankind is in loss..”(Qur’an 103:1-2)
“Half of life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play. You have played enough.” ~Rumi
When we finally move beyond the dramas and melodramas of our life and yearn to become and do that which gives meaning and substance to our life, we realize that our time on planet earth is limited. . .
The Lord of Grace Abounding
“Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding.” (Qur’an 2:105)
“The character of a friend of God is based on nothing more than graciousness and generosity.” (Sufi saying)
Sufi teachers say with inner certainty that the hallmark of a spiritually developed being is that he or she is graced with the divine qualities of graciousness and generosity in manners, behavior and service. . .
The Grasping, Greedy Ego
“Those who are saved from the covetousness of their own souls, they are the ones who achieve prosperity.” (Qur’an 64:16)
“If the son of Adam were to possess two valleys of riches, he would long for a third one.” ~The Prophet Muhammad
Beware of the desires of the ego that is never satisfied. . .
Laughter and Tears
“That it is He who grants laughter and tears.” (Qur’an 53:43)
“God wants to see more love and playfulness in your eyes for that is your greatest witness to Him.” (Hafiz)
In our world of opposites, we are bound to experience both joy and sorrow. Tears are inevitable. “Thank God! tears are colorless,” exclaim the Sufi mystics. “Otherwise my pillow would betray the secrets of my heart!”
Open for me my heart!
“O my Sustainer! Open up my heart to your Light.” (20:25)
“Open the window of your heart; the Moon will kiss you through the window.” (Rumi)
Ever since we humans arrived on earth, our heart has felt a mysterious void. No matter how many of our earthly needs are fulfilled, it still feels an inexplicable ache. Spiritual teachers explain that we have been separated from God and that is the root of our throbbing.
Call On Me, I Will Answer You
“Call to your Sustainer humbly, and in the secrecy of your hearts.” (Qur’an 7:55)
“ O God I remembered you so much
Little by little you arrived
Little by little I departed.” (Sufi Saying)
When we evoke the sacred name of Divinity as often as possible we will experience in course of time a deep sense of being uplifted, nourished and comforted. We begin to feel the blessing of Presence in our life.
Divine Feminine in Islam
“O Mary! Behold! God has elected thee and made thee pure, and raised thee above all the women of the world.” ~Qur’an 3:42
Woman is a ray of God. She is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created.” ~Rumi
In the Islamic tradition, Mary symbolizes the sacred and creative mission of every single human on earth. We are mysteriously placed here to give birth to our higher self, our inner Jesus. . .
Patience in Adversity
“But if you are patient in adversity and conscious of Him- truly this is something upon which to set one’s heart.” (Qur’an 3:186)
The patience shown by the moon to the dark night is what keeps it radiant; the patience shown by the rose to the thorn is what keeps it fragrant.” (Rumi)
Early in his ministry the Prophet Muhammad was in deep despair. After a burst of divine revelations from the realm of Mystery in 610 CE in a phenomenal event called the Night of Power, no new revelations were forthcoming. The prophet felt abandoned. Then, after a lapse of two years, a fresh set of revelations descended. . .
The Middle Way
“Do not deprive yourselves of the good things of life which God has made lawful to you; but do not transgress the bounds of what is right.”~ Qur’an 5:87
“One regret, dear world that I am determined not to have is that I did not kiss you enough.“ ~Hafiz
Ours is a beautiful and enchanting universe. Rumi exclaims that if a drop of the wine of vision could rinse our eyes, everywhere we looked we would weep with wonder. . .